Sunday, August 24, 2014


The last time I posted to this blog, I was in a LOT of pain.  My lower back hurt, and was spasming uncontrollably.  The pain in my posterior was the worst it had ever been, and it felt like someone was electrocuting my leg continually.  It was the most pain I have ever experienced, and I was not particularly happy.  I had just started seeing a new physical therapist, Jon Weinberg at Team Care, for my back pain, and I was cautiously pessimistic about whether he could do anything about the butt pain that has kept me in bed for the last year.

Skip ahead a few weeks, and I'm feeling a LOT better.

I think physical therapy is voodoo.  This is the second time that a PT has told me that a terrible pain was actually coming from a nerve problem in a completely different location.

At some point in the first year of my injury, after I began sleeping on my stomach, I began waking up with extreme pain in my elbows.  It was bad enough that I could barely use my arms to sit up in the morning.  I tried everything I could think of to take pressure off my elbows while I was sleeping, but nothing seemed to work.  When I finally told a PT about it, she said, "Oh yeah, there's a nerve in your armpit that is causing that.  Find a sleeping position that takes strain off your shoulder, and it should clear right up."  She was dead right.  My shoulder and armpit weren't bothering me at all, but that was the source of the problem, and once I took pressure off it, my elbow pain went away as if by magic.

For a year, my butt has been getting worse and worse, and nothing I did seemed to make it better.  Jon comes along and tells me I need to stretch my back to make my butt better.  I told him I didn't think that would help, but that I'd try anything.  He's got me doing these twists to try to straighten out the disks between my vertebrae.  The theory is that I've got multiple bulging disks bulging in different directions, and it will require a variety of weird stretches to improve the problem.  It has already helped tremendously.

The problem I have is that with my engineering background, I tend to think in terms of problems and solutions, and I like to solve my own problems.  I've been very successful when it comes to improvising mechanical solutions to problems, but when it comes to problems with my body, I'm missing key knowledge about how things work.  If a problem isn't caused by the thing that hurts, you can work on that thing forever without making any progress.  It's that detailed knowledge of how things work that makes PTs so effective.  I guess I can't solve ALL of my problems myself.

I'm certainly not pain free, and I have to take frequent breaks to get in bed and do my stretches or else the pain comes back, but the progress I've made in the last couple weeks is nothing short of amazing.  I'm feeling better than I have in over a year, and I'm  able to spend a lot more time up in my chair.  I'm already thinking in terms of doing more stuff, although I don't want to get ahead of myself.  I need to get the pain control a little more consistent than it is right now before I try to go too far from home.  It still fluctuates quite a bit from day to day.

It doesn't help that I need assistance to really do this stretch properly.  Gus helped me rig a strap around my bed to help me do it myself as best I can, but I don't think it's as effective as getting someone to help me do it.  Ideally, I'm supposed to do it every two hours, so if you want to stop by and give me a hand, here's the procedure.

I don't know where we go from here, but the fact that there has been any improvement is both unexpected, and very exciting.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Food Fairy

Two posts in two days?!?!?  I KNOW!!!

Brian and Kelly, dropped off more food this morning.  They have given me a ton of food the last couple weeks, and  I can't even express how much I have appreciated having it when the pain has been so bad.  It has been so great not to have to prepare anything when I get up, and to be able to get back in bed as quickly as possible.  It doesn't hurt that it's all amazing.

2 weeks ago: ravioli, chicken, roasted veggies, meatballs with glazed pineapples and onions

Today: Italian pasta salad, chicken and crispy onion sliders with chipotle honey, ginger sesame chicken salad, honey mustard pretzel chicken, broccoli pasta salad, jalapeno corn slaw

Between this and a couple Taco Bell runs, I have been well fed for the last couple weeks, and will have a hard time getting through this before my mom arrives in a week.

Dinner tonight including cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, gnocchi, pistachios, probably some other stuff.  Delicious!
I can't believe I have friends who do this for me.  I'm still the luckiest cripple I know.

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Physical Therapy

It's not one of the things I promised to write about, but I thought I should throw a quick update.  I went to see a physical therapist on Thursday, and he was able to help with the back pain a little.  He also thinks he might be able to help with the butt pain.  That was an unexpected development.  I'm not convinced he's right, but it would be irresponsible not to pursue this line of inquiry until I'm 100% sure he's wrong.  I really hope he's right.  You could say I'm cautiously pessimistic.  He thinks it's related to sciatica and caused by the same lower back problem I went to see him about.  We'll see I guess.

Tobi has agreed to take me to 2 appointments this week, and my mom will be in town next week and should be able to take me to 2 more.  I probably need to go to at least 2 more appointments the following week which I know Tobi can't do, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Jimmy took me last week to get an MRI on my spine, and Tobi is also taking me next week back to talk to the doctor about the MRI.  Either this week or next, I'm going in to get my wheelchair adjusted to help with my posture.  I have a couple options for rides for that, and it just depends on when they can schedule me.

So after many months of nothing happening, there's lots of stuff going on.  Hopefully some of it helps.

If anybody wants to sign up to take me to a mid-day appointment the week of August 18th, let me know.  If they can actually make significant improvements in the next couple weeks, I might try to drive myself, but we'll just have to see how I feel.