Monday, January 26, 2015

Christmas Present

After harassment ranging from mild to severe from each of my two remaining readers, I'm finally posting!  This is your belated Christmas present.  Enjoy.

I made it through the holidays in one piece.  My last post was before Thanksgiving, and for that holiday I made a successful trip up to my sister's house in Danville.  My brother flew in and drove me up.  The whole family was there, and the change of scenery was nice.  I'm still happy that I can actually get my wheelchair into that house, (even into the bathrooms!).  I also got to see my niece and nephew.  I got to see them at the fair in October, but kids are always nervous in an unfamiliar setting, even if it's the fair.  They were much more themselves at home.

I also got to make balloon animals for the kids.  Jessica gave me a balloon sculpture starter kit years ago to help me bond with the kids, and this was my first opportunity to show them what I've learned.  As I told them, I know how to make over 200 animals that all look like dogs.

I can also make this hat.
Right after Thanksgiving comes Christmas, and my parents and brother came down to stay with me for a few days just like last year.  We all had I nice time, and there weren't any murders or even attempted murders, so that was very nice.  We also had crab cakes from Timbuktu.  If you have never had a REAL Maryland crab cake, from Maryland, then you don't understand why these are worth the money to have them shipped.

I got my usual complement of Christmas cards from all my friends.

Except a few - you know who you are
Everybody who has kids sends the picture cards so you can see what everybody looks like this year.  Last year I kept all the cards up all year because I like having the pictures of my friends around.  I think it might be weird to send a card like that if you're just a single guy in his 30's.  I don't know; you tell me.  I think if I sent one this year, I would have used this picture.

Pucker up
I got to go to a New Years Eve party at Cullen and Caitlin's house.  That was fun.  I even drove myself home afterward.  I have also taken a few more grocery trips with my neighbor, so the driving has gone relatively well.

I barely need to go to the grocery store though.  Brian and Kelly have been supplying me with more food than I can safely eat.  Here's a couple pictures of the last few food deliveries.  My biggest problems are trying to get through it all before it goes bad, and having to turn down invitations to go out because I have too much food at home.

They brought everything with a red lid
I am so lucky

Nothing much else has been going on.  Things have basically stabilized around here.  My back was feeling pretty good over the holidays, but the last week or so, it's been really uncomfortable.  I think that's just how it's going to be.

Mister Gus still stops by with Evelyn, maybe once a week for lunch.  That's nice.  I still really enjoy their company.  Evelyn is growing up so fast.  She can read and write now (when she wants to), and she's even starting to gain an appreciation for sauce with some foods (or so I hear - I'll believe it when I see it).

Anyway, I hope both of my readers have found this quarterly blog update satisfactory, and that it will hold you over to the next one.  If not, you'll just have to come visit.  :)