Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Fat and Happy

I'm getting fat.  If you've seen me in the last 6 months, this is not news to you.  I haven't had much to do for the last year besides sleep 'til noon, eat, poop, eat some more, and go back to sleep.  On the days that I cry incessantly for no reason, I am exactly like an infant.

Being fat is not helpful.  The extra weight complicates transfers, and the belly reduces the size of my lap which is really my only work surface.  Anything I want to move from one place to another has to balance on my lap because I need both hands to push the chair.  At some point, the belly can also interfere with hip flexion.  So far that isn't one of my problems.

You may see my added size only as a negative, but you're overlooking all the positive aspects.  I like to think that the extra volume increases my visibility when I'm out in the street.  When a driver sees me in a crosswalk, they think, "If I run over that gigantic wheeled invalid, I will undoubtedly break my car!"  Also, the extra weight increases my stability in turns probably.

At this point, you're obviously wondering, "How has he achieved these incredible benefits to his health and well-being?"  There's no one simple answer to that question, but I will share one important contributor.  Fresh baked cookies.

I use my toaster oven every day, and I don't know how I ever lived without one, but recently I realized I could use it to bake small batches of cookies.

I went to the store and got some pre-cut cookie dough.

I prefer these to the Nestle
 And I got some toaster-oven sized cookie sheets from Farberware.

I cut a silicone baking sheet to fit
And I bake it in the toaster oven for 11 minutes.

Preheats in 45 seconds
And then I have fresh baked cookies for dessert!

This is just one of the ways that I keep myself squeezably soft!


  1. If one pokes this amazing belly, do you smile bashfully and squeal, "he-heeee!" like the supermodel on your preferred cookie dough's package? Because THAT would be the ultimate win. :)

    1. No, obviously I bite the finger. You shouldn't put anything that delicious near my mouth. ;)

  2. Funny entry!!! I wish there was less squish around my middle too. Cream puffs were my sin tonight.

    I'm so glad you hooked up with the Wilkensons. I shared your blog with them and Belinda said you and Jarrad have talked and talked. This makes me happy! I understand the need to connect this those who "get it"...whatever the "it" is for the individuals! For me it's letting it all hang out with other moms of autistic kids. We drink the same water and know the struggles and the highs. Connection is important!
