Friday, July 27, 2012

Doctor Visit

Today, I had an appointment with my doctor at UNC.  Gus is out of town, and Brittany volunteered to shuttle me to and from the hospital.

I can actually get in her car

I always enjoy hanging out with Brittany, and I was very grateful to have a ride.  I don't enjoy bumming rides from my friends, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

The appointment was uneventful.  I didn't learn much except that there's another doctor I'll need to see soon.  Hooray.

After the appointment, we went up to rehab on the 7th floor to say hi to all my friends there.  It was nice to see everybody, and I even wore my custom rehab t-shirt for the occasion.  I felt bad making Brittany wait for that, but she was a good sport.

I got the form for my handicapped parking hangers at the doctor, and Brittany took me by the DMV so I could pick them up.  I've been wanting to get those for a while.  I'm looking forward to better parking spots.

It felt good to get out of the house today even though it was 100 degrees out.

The parking garage in my building

Obstructing traffic
When we got home from the doctor, we had lunch, and Brittany vacuumed my apartment.  I helped a little.

I missed a spot

Tonight, I found a wheelchair van on Craigslist way out in Asheboro that I want to go look at.  It's older, but it's in my price range and much cheaper than any other I've seen so I really want to go look at it.  Unfortunately, most of my friends are out of town this weekend so I had to make a lot of phone calls, but I think I found somebody go get me some cash from the bank and somebody else to take me all the way out there tomorrow along with somebody else to drive the van back if I buy it.  It took hours to set that up, but I sure am glad I've got good friends.

Hopefully by this time tomorrow, I'll be the proud owner of a used, but reliable (I hope) 1997 Dodge Caravan with ramp.  Then the fun will really begin.

I hope it's worth the effort


  1. hopefully you've also sourced some dubs to throw on there...

  2. Vacuuming! It's occupational! :-)

  3. It's so sweet of Brittany to just be there for you and vacuum your apartment, of course! Hehehe. The van is a steal! I'm glad you got it, Jason. How's rehab coming along?

    -Thomas Wright

    1. Thanks. I'm very happy to have the van. Just got new tires for it. And Brittany really has been good to me. I apologize, but do I know you? I'm drawing a blank on your name.
