Saturday, July 21, 2012

Full House

This morning, through miscommunication and dumb luck, Gus, Uyen, and Evelyn arrived with donuts at the same time Jimmy and Tobi arrived for lunch with their daughters Kaeli and Lorelai.  It resulted in a pretty full house for a while.  I'm glad my genius mom brought me some toys.

More kids than I've ever seen in one place

Even Budha Bear got in on the action.

Budha and his new friends

Budha was no match for Kaeli and Lorelai

It was nice, and lunch was pretty good too.

It's almost dinner time and I don't think I've got anybody coming.  It's a weird feeling.  I don't think it's happened in a while.


  1. The Careys call dibs on the Sunday dinner slot. This does not exclude other guests, but we look forward to seeing you.

  2. Here I saw "Full House" and thought you had started a gambling group. This is a better alternative, even if the accidental calendar-cramming left you over-visited and then under-visited! I also now regret the 80s, in which we used the words "spastic" and "spazzed out" so frequently and casually (there are probably other reasons, like haircuts, that I should regret the 80s, but let's stay on topic). Praying!

  3. Don't worry Buddha Bear, those two can wear just about anybody out!

  4. So, regarding the first picture, there were 8 total people at your apartment this morning, it is interesting that the 5 people with asian heritage were confined to the smallest room.

  5. Yeah, I'm going to start referring to that room as "The Internment Camp"
