Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Nicest Guy in the World

I want to tell everybody about this guy I know.  His name is Syed, and he's the Physical Therapist that came to my house when I first got out of the hospital.

The nicest guy in the world with Buddha Bear
Syed is one of the most interesting people I've ever met.  He's from Malaysia, and has a passion for cars.  Especially Mercedes.  He's almost 50 years old and doesn't look a day over 35.  He enjoys jazz music, and wishes he could live in a hut on the beach somewhere.

My insurance company paid for Syed to come help me work out 8 or 10 times after I was released, and he did a great job.  But then, they stopped paying him.  And Syed kept coming.  Now he only has time to come on the weekend, but he does it on his own time.  He comes most Sundays and helps for half an hour.  I don't pay him at all.

He also calls me a couple times a week to remind me to work out.  That's hugely helpful for me.  I respond well to peer pressure, and if it wasn't for that pressure, I probably wouldn't work out as much as I do.  And I really do think I've been getting stronger in the arms and shoulders.  I also think I may be getting a tiny bit of abdominal function back, but that's another story.

Anyway, this post is about Syed.  If you're worried that there aren't good people left in this world, think again.


  1. Wow, I had been wondering what ever happened with the offer you mentioned him having made in a post several weeks ago. He came through! Watch out, Dos Equis commercial character -- you've got competition! Voice over: "He is...the nicest man in the world." (As the camera pans around the room to show us Syed busting his butt to bust your gut) Syed: "I don't always donate my precious time to rehab for awesome Hokies, but when I do, it's Jason Ulrich." Yup. I can see it now.
