Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Yesterday was so busy I didn't have a chance to write about it, but I'm going to do so now.  It was a great day, devoted mostly to getting my van ready for the road.

Gus came over around 10:00, and we started by going to his mechanic to get the van inspected.  We put Evelyn's car seat in the back, and set off.  We picked up lunch on the way over and ate it in the van while they did the inspection.  I had a BBQ sandwich with mac & cheese and baked beans from Dixie Belle's.  It was pretty good.

Waiting for my lunch

After the inspection, we had to go to the DMV to get the van registered.  Evelyn passed out on the drive over.  Probably wore herself out asking "Why" questions.

Out cold
Considering that there's only one license place office for all of southern Wake County, the line was surprisingly short.  The notoriously surly DMV workers were also surprisingly friendly after Evelyn did a little tap dance for them.

Patience is still a virtue
The DMV went so quickly, we had time to go to Target for some grocery shopping.

Evelyn and me in the Men's section

In the evening, Titus and Brittany came down for Sushi, and I talked Titus into fixing the driver side power window.  Titus is really good at fixing power windows, so he agreed, and we took the van over to Gus's house to work on it.  One of my other friends decided to ride over with us.

Titus, Buddha, and me

Titus works his magic

I had a good time hanging out in Gus's garage and supervising.

Good job

I really enjoyed getting out of my apartment and going places yesterday.  It's just what I was hoping the van would do for me.  I got to go four different places and didn't have to do a single car transfer.  I still couldn't be more pleased with my purchase.

Now the van is road legal, and the window works.  The only thing left to do is put some new tires on it, but they are all holding air right now, so that can wait.


  1. What a fun day; glad the van is working out for you. How long have you been holding on to "vantastic" just waiting for the chance to use it?

  2. Yay for the window getting fixed & quick registration! I'm so glad that you found the van. Maybe we should go back to Asheboro sometime and get lunch at Barry's restaurant.

  3. These photos are phantastic! Fans want to know (or be reminded): How old is Evelyn? She's a super trooper!

    1. Evelyn is 3. She would tell you she's 3 and a half.

    2. That's because she's very advanced in her mathematical abilities. Excellent!
