Saturday, August 2, 2014

Physical Therapy

It's not one of the things I promised to write about, but I thought I should throw a quick update.  I went to see a physical therapist on Thursday, and he was able to help with the back pain a little.  He also thinks he might be able to help with the butt pain.  That was an unexpected development.  I'm not convinced he's right, but it would be irresponsible not to pursue this line of inquiry until I'm 100% sure he's wrong.  I really hope he's right.  You could say I'm cautiously pessimistic.  He thinks it's related to sciatica and caused by the same lower back problem I went to see him about.  We'll see I guess.

Tobi has agreed to take me to 2 appointments this week, and my mom will be in town next week and should be able to take me to 2 more.  I probably need to go to at least 2 more appointments the following week which I know Tobi can't do, but I guess I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Jimmy took me last week to get an MRI on my spine, and Tobi is also taking me next week back to talk to the doctor about the MRI.  Either this week or next, I'm going in to get my wheelchair adjusted to help with my posture.  I have a couple options for rides for that, and it just depends on when they can schedule me.

So after many months of nothing happening, there's lots of stuff going on.  Hopefully some of it helps.

If anybody wants to sign up to take me to a mid-day appointment the week of August 18th, let me know.  If they can actually make significant improvements in the next couple weeks, I might try to drive myself, but we'll just have to see how I feel.


  1. Yay! My big reward for resisting clicking while exam cramming is two posts!! I'm so excited that I'm going to sleep and saving the next one for tomorrow, as reward for hopefully not bombing my other exam (it's only Latin). Praying your pessimism is overblown and your pain is blown away by PT. Amen.

  2. Now that we have downsized from 10 to 3 my driving skills are available again. Keep away from Thursdays, E is in a co-op.
