Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Styling Secrets

I've been in the hospital for about month now.  Some of you, who are paying attention, are probably wondering, "How does he keep his hair so clean and stylish?"  At the risk of upsetting some high-ups in the hair-care industry, I am now going to reveal my secrets to you.

The future of hair-care

The secret is ReadyBath.  This is a shower-cap lined with a moist towel that contains a rinse-free shampoo PLUS CONDITIONER, as seen on the packaging.

Before: disgusting

This is what I looked like before my last ReadyBath.  Note the unhealthy sheen and the matted appearance.

Step 1. Microwave ReadyBath packaging for 20-30 seconds for a warm, pleasant experience.
Step 2. Apply ReadyBath to hair, and massage in thoroughly.

Let the magic happen

Step 3. Towel hair until only damp

Dry it out before your hair gets TOO clean
Step 4. Comb remaining dirt out of hair

Perhaps the most important step

Step 5. Clean the dirt and towel lint out of your comb

It's supposed to do that

The secret to ReadyBath's operation is that it exchanges days worth of built-up dirt and oil for a slightly different buildup of soap and chemicals.  Note the healthy sheen and still matted appearance.

After: so much different!

ReadyBath: if it can work for me, it can work for anyone!


  1. That is just awesome. Wish we had that on ski trips...would've lessened the demand on the one shower between 10 people.

  2. Man, just think how stylish you could have been this whole time if you'd have known about this before! Better late than never!

  3. You sir, are wise beyond your race. Don't touch me!

    Remember, every day is better than the next.

  4. You, sir, inspire me.

    I should try that on my hair!

  5. Paul must have told you that my first comment in reply to the photo he sent me while down there with you (a view of you from behind/above and Bobby in profile while y'all played Nintendo) was, "Tell Jason his hair looks great!" I'm proud to have inspired this post. (Don't disabuse me of the notion.)

  6. Thanks for making me laugh out loud in the stall of a public restroom. Not awkward at all.

    1. That's what you get for reading in a public restroom...
