Saturday, October 13, 2012

Catching Up

The longer I go without writing, the more pressure I feel to write a long post, so it becomes a daunting prospect to write everything I think I should.  But I have to do it sometime so here we go.

I'm starting to get into a bit of a routine.  Pretty much every day, I know at just about every given moment what I'm supposed to be doing.  I suppose that's a good thing, and it cuts down my stress level, but I feel like my life is on pause.  I'm just waiting for something to change.

People that know me well know that I have a poor memory, and I'm already starting to forget what life was like before the injury.  I haven't had any dreams about walking lately.  I guess that's a good thing.

Work is going about as well as I could.  I'm still working 3 hours a day, and I think it's getting easier.  I'm still glad I'm doing it.  It makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something.  It's about the only time I feel useful.

Gus continues to make himself indispensable.  Last weekend, we took my van over to his house to do a little work on it.  I really appreciate that, but it's frustrating to watch him do work that I used to be perfectly capable of doing myself.  Makes me feel useless.

This morning, Gus had a garage sale for some of my stuff that I don't need anymore.  I didn't go this morning, but I was over there last night putting prices on stuff.  I'm curious to hear how it went.

The HO continues to be a huge problem, but I'm getting accustomed to it.  I've kindof accepted that there are things I can do and things I can't do.  I hope the surgery fixes me eventually, but I've got a system to cope with the things I can't do.  Most of the time I have to depend on Gus for that, but at least I've got Gus.

Speaking of that, I meet with the orthopedic surgeon on the 18th so maybe I'll have some news around then.  I suspect that they're just going to tell me to wait a few more months and we'll talk again then.  The longer I'm out of the hospital, the less I'm looking forward to a big surgery.  I don't really enjoy pain all that much.

I've been trying to get out of the house a little more, and I've had a few opportunities since the last time I wrote.  Mike and Sue took me to trivia night at a wing place, and I got to go to a couple restaurants outside my neighborhood.  I've also been to Gus's house a couple times although I can still only get into the garage and the basement.  It's a nice change of pace though.

I guess that's about all I want to write right now.  This post was all over the place, but hopefully it will hold you for a little while.  Now I'm going back to watching Virginia Tech try to lose a football game to Duke.


  1. They failed to lose! And I fail to lose interest in your posts, so if it helps alleviate the pressure of having so much to write the more time passes, feel free to hop on here daily and only post what you have energy for, so it doesn't mount up to overwhelming. You know, one day might be "I cracked my knuckles!" or "Sure wish I were eating sushi right now," and I still think I'd be glad to read it. Probably I'm not the only one. ;)
    Praying toward 10/18 appointment (I had to come back to edit this post, so I could add that and also so I could tell you the hilarious "Prove you're not a robot" code it wanted me to use: eoperfat 29. Now that's just goofy. Hee-hee!

  2. glad to see you back! always interesting to hear how you are doing. Go HOKIES!

  3. Seriously, you could post. "hi" and I would be all over it. Always thinking of and praying for you.
