Wednesday, August 22, 2012


On Saturday night, Mike and Sue took me out in my van to a Carolina Railhawks soccer game.  They had told me in the hospital that they wanted to take me, and now that I've got my van, it's physically possible.  When they invited me, I was concerned about having the stamina to sit through the whole game, but I decided I wanted to give it a try.

Sue and I watching grown men kick a ball around

The game worked out marvelously, and I had a great time.  I got to have a beer and some peanuts, and then a couple hot dogs.  The van worked perfectly, as it has since I got it, so the soccer game was a complete success.

After soccer, we went back to my place and sat on the deck and drank bourbon.  As much as I enjoyed the soccer, I REALLY enjoyed sitting around drinking.

Mmm... bourbon...
In the last couple weeks, I have had three opportunities to sit on the deck with somebody and just drink and talk, and I have realized something.  That is the only activity besides sleeping where I feel completely normal.

My brain didn't get injured in the crash, and I still feel like the same person I was before the accident except I'm trapped in a body that doesn't work.  Every waking minute of my life now is occupied with thinking about how to solve the suddenly complicated problems of everyday life.  The only time I'm not at all thinking about my broken body is when I'm asleep or when I'm having a few drinks and talking with my friends.  It's the only time I really feel normal and completely forget about my problems for a little while.

So I want to thank those of you who have spent time doing that with me.  It means more to me than you may realize.


  1. Last Thursday night was a bit of 'normality' for me too. I enjoyed it and will try to get down more frequently. But next time I'm staying the night so I don't have watch you drink alone!

  2. Anybody else notice the pregnant man in yellow? Also if you are ever having a lack of people to sit around and drink with, give me a shout, I'm a pro.

    1. That guy is an usher and blocked my view of that corner of the field the entire game. :)

      You can come help me drink any time.
