Monday, June 11, 2012


This morning, I realized something.  I realized that I love the praise I get from the therapists here.  When they say I'm doing a good job, I believe them, and the sad fact is that it's my primary motivator.


Unfortunately, none of the therapists is coming home with me, so I'm not going to have any of the affirmation I routinely get here or any of the motivation.  I just hope that I can find some other way to motivate myself.

In other news, Raheleh finally let me make brownies today.  I think they are incredible, but I wonder if I'd have enjoyed them as much if Raheleh didn't agree.

Like everything, making food is a struggle

Good enough for Raheleh?

Today, Emily also finally taught me to do wheelies.  She put me on a leash so she could catch me if I tipped over backward.

Still scary

I wasn't sure I'd be able to learn it at all, but Emily is a good teacher, and I did at least one wheelie that I held for probably a minute.  Because she is generally careful not to over-praise, it means more when she says I did a good job.  So the question remains: would I still be proud of those wheelies if I was doing them by myself?  They still ARE pretty cool...


  1. if you wheelie in the woods and no one is there to see it, is it still cool? yes.

  2. I never dreamed there would be a day that I saw you cook something... my life is complete.

    1. I've seen Jason cook something...and then realize over 24 hours later that he had left the oven on.
