Most Saturdays are slow, and today was no different. I did have one therapy session though, and for that, I had my friend, Buddha Bear, bring his car around so I could practice transferring into and out of a car. It went really well. I tried it once using a slide board, but then I tried it in 3 different doors with no board, and they all went really well. I'm sure it'll be different with a different car, but it was pretty smooth on Buddha's Camry. I even tried the driver's seat so now I know I can do that when I'm ready to drive.
Buddha Bear wants to take me for ice cream |
There are more pictures here.
And some videos:
Jason Car Transfer 1
Jason Car Transfer 2
Jason Car Transfer 3
So are you thinking of buying a conventional sedan-type car with modified controls? Or a van with a lift? I would think the van would be more practical, though the car would be good for late-night runs to the Taco Bell drive-thru 8-)