Friday, July 13, 2012

Quickie Q7

When I was still in rehab, this guy Todd measured me for my wheelchair.  Todd is a T4 paraplegic just like me, but he's been in the chair for 25 years. Yesterday I got a call from Todd to tell me that my permanent chair was in.  So I called up Gus to give me ride down to the wheelchair shop today to get fitted.

Todd is a real nice guy, and he was very sorry to hear about my HO.  He was real encouraging when I was in rehab about my prospects for being independent when I got out.  "HO changes everything" is what he says about it which is what I'm going to start saying.  Todd assured me that he has known other people who had to deal with HO, and that there will be an end.  It feels good to believe that he's right.

Anyway, Todd tried to setup my new Quickie Q7 to accommodate my hip problems more than the old chair, and I think he was very successful.  This chair is much more comfortable and much lighter than the old chair.  It's much easier to push, and I'm enjoying it a lot so far.

The only thing I don't like about the new chair is the front casters.  They stick way out the side and keep me from parking it as close to things as I'd like.  When I do transfers, I slide sideways out of the seat onto something else.  Now I have to cross a wider gap to transfer across.  So far it has been scary, but nothing bad has happened.  Hopefully I'll get used to it soon.  Other than that, I love the chair.

My new chair

Gus and Evelyn were really good sports about waiting for me to get my chair adjusted.  It took about an hour.  Evelyn has said she wants to marry me and have a wheelchair wedding.  Today, she got to try one out.


  1. Oh Jason, I have been reading your blogs and I am so very proud of you and all of your hard work! I knew you would do great! Btw...I am looking forward to the wheelchair wedding photos :-)

  2. That Evelyn must take a special super-cutie multi-vitamin -- she is more adorable daily! (Or at least each time she appears in a post, visually or by quotation.) She seems worth waiting for! :)

  3. Congrats on getting a Quickie! :-)
