Wednesday, May 30, 2012


I don't handle disappointment well.  Even moderate disappointment can make me do crazy, irrational things that I later regret, so I have learned to avoid disappointment at all costs.  Unfortunately, that is not always possible.

It feels just like this

Today, I learned that I'm not going to be able to rent the apartment I was expecting to rent.  I had my heart set on it.  It was 5 minutes from most of my friends, it was walking distance from stores and food, it was setup adequately for wheelchair use, it was on the C-Tran route so I wouldn't necessarily need to buy a car right away, and it was 2-bedroom so I would have plenty of space.

I couldn't find a single fault with the place, and mentally, I had already moved in.  I was already anticipating the exercise program I would start by pushing myself as far toward the store as I could every day until I finally made it.

The only problem was the current occupant changed their mind about moving out.

So now I have to pick another place to live.  Fortunately, my friends have already visited every apartment complex that might possibly work so I already have the information to make this decision.  Unfortunately, none of the other options are nearly as perfect.

I'm sure wherever I choose, I'll be happy, and everything will work out.  It always does.  But today I'm disappointed, and it's going to take some time to get over it and get my head straight to move on.


  1. you need us to go.....motivate...the current tenant? :)

  2. Gah, that is a real bummer man.

  3. Hi Jason...Susan P. shared about your progress today in the CARE council. You've been on my mind so I'm glad she gave us an update. She told us about your blog and I can't wait to read it.

    Sorry the apartment did not work out but there will be others.

    1. Hi Karen. Thanks for writing. I think I've got an apartment lined up in Morrisville, but I'm trying to setup a visit so I can check on a few details that I'm hoping won't cause me any problems. As long as they don't, I should be good. This one isn't as close to my friends, but it seems like almost as nice a place, so I'm pretty excited.
