Wednesday, June 20, 2012


Since I started this blog, a surprising number of people have written me to tell me that I am an inspiration, but it's rare that they say exactly what I have inspired them to do.  I hope I have not inspired anyone to crash a motorcycle.  It can be very exciting, but I don't want to be responsible for the consequences.

In general, I assume this is not what they mean.  I suspect they mean that I am inspirational in a general sense, and that they have not actually been inspired to do anything.  That's ok.  I'll accept that compliment.

It's unfortunate that I had to hurt myself to inspire people, but if I'm going to be an inspiration, I would prefer to actually inspire people to action, and to make some sort of change in their life.  Here are some things I'd love to inspire you to do:

  • To smile when life doesn't go your way
  • To learn the names of the people that you meet and remember them
  • To write about something that interests you
  • To treat your friends and family better: you never know when you're going to need them
  • To be nice to the people that serve you: It's surprising how many people aren't
  • To take time to appreciate what you have
  • To help somebody who needs help
  • To live your life without fear
What would you like to inspire someone to do?


  1. To love.
    On a side note, Evelyn has asked to marry you the last three days in a row.

    1. Nice. Tell her when she gets a little older... :-)

  2. you've inspired me to inspire someone...

  3. You've inspired me to not jump to conclusions, to not make assumptions!

  4. To live life without fear...I would love to do that.

  5. Thank you for your inspiring words. I bet rehab was no walk in the park so I appreciate you sharing your story. The people of dubuque love you!
